Jhang Women Convention - 19th May 2004
By Ghazala Hassan Qadri
On the 19th May 2004 an enormous women convention took place in Jhang, Pakistan, which was the largest ever in the history of Jhang. The gathering consisted of more than 2500 women, who arrived from all parts of the city to take part. Jhang is a very traditional city where active participation of women in gatherings is a very unusual sight. Thus for over two thousand women to attend was indeed a historical event.
Alhumdulilah it was a great success! The proceedings began with recitation of the Holy Quran followed by the Sisters Minhaj Naath Council, who sang nausheeds in the praise of the Holy Prophet (saw). The aim of the convention was to highlight the problems the women of Jhang are facing and how P.A.T aims to tackle them in the future. Sister Farah Naz, Head of the Minhajian Women Parliament gave an emotional speech, highlighting the poverty and hopelessness that many are facing in Jhang and indeed throughout Pakistan. Sister Ghazala Hassan Qadri spoke outlining the policies of P.A.T and how practically many of the problems of the city can be solved if the women partake fully in society and support the changes needed. Mrs. Uzma Abu-ul-Hassan, wife of Dr. Abul-Hassan (former M.P.A candidate) also spoke congratulating the sisters for their support and urged them to continue and never feel they go unheard.
Hassan Mohiuddin, M.N.A candidate for Jhang gave an electrifying speech motivating the sisters to join in the struggle for peace and prosperity. He gave examples from history of how Muslim women have always been in the fore front in the struggle for the betterment of society and the progression of Islam. The climax of the convention consisted of the speech given by Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri. He firstly gave a detailed account of the corrupt policies of the local leaders and their heads and how they intend to destroy further the lives of the poor and needy. He then gave examples of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (saw) who was the leader of the poor and how he had to fight many wars to gain peace and prosperity for the Muslims and non-Muslims. The convention was attended not only by Muslims but by Christians too who make up a sizeable minority in Jhang. Dr. Qadri spoke of the needs of humanity in general and the importance for all members of society to join together to rid the city of corruption and decay.
All the women who attended were highly motivated and despite the hot weather and lack of space stayed until the end, demonstrating their own desire to see change and showed their willingness to fully participate in the struggle. The Women Convention was indeed an historical event, and we pray to Allah Almighty He accepts the duas of all those who attended.