Nelson: Speakers at PAT seminar call for coordinated efforts to uproot terrorism
A seminar against terrorism and suicide bombing was held in Nelson Lancashire under the banner of Pakistan Awami Tehreek (UK) which was attended by over 200 participants belonging to various walks of life and local community including local police officials and members of Parliament. Miss Sehrish Ismail, Convener of PAT (UK), played an important role in the conduct of this seminar.
British MP George Galloway came all the way from Bradford to attend the seminar. In his keynote speech on the occasion, he appreciated Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri’s contributions for promotion of peace, interfaith dialogue and harmony in the world. He particularly lauded him for his scholarly work against terrorism and suicide bombing. He condemned the Model Town tragedy and expressed his grave concern on inordinate delay in getting the perpetrators of Model Town tragedy to face justice.
Andrew Stephenson, MP from Penndel, also expressed his views in the seminar. He condemned the government of Punjab for perpetrating Model Town tragedy in which over a dozen innocent lives were lost and about 85 people were seriously injured. He expressed his hope that the perpetrators will be brought to justice.
Azhar Ali, MP from Nelson, lauded the efforts PAT (UK) is making to highlight the menace of terrorism and underlined the need for coordinated actions to stem it. He said that terrorism is such an issue as has affected all communities without any discrimination. He dubbed the conduct of such anti-terror seminars as dire need of the hour.
Umar Naveed, a youth from London, likened terrorism to cancer and said that it cannot be cured unless the affected part is cut off, adding that this is the only way to establish durable peace in the society.
Abu Ahmad Al-Sherazi threw a detailed light on the Fatwa authored by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. He said that this historic Fatwa is part of curricula in different universities of the world at present.
Mrs. Jabeen Naveed, central Coordinator of PAT UK, dilated upon the Islamic concept of Jihad and highlighted the misperceptions about it. She said that the West misinterpreted Jihad, adding that Jihad and terrorism stand poles apart. She said that unless we expose our young generation to the real concept of terrorism and Jihad, it will not be possible for us to uproot this scourge once and for all.