Imran, Qadri Successfully Jolting Status Quo ‘System’
Today after about seven decades of our independence there is much hue and cry about the need for social, economic, political and especially electoral reforms in view of the large-scale rigging generally in all elections and particularly in the elections 2013. It is bitter truth that there has been a steady deterioration in the standards and practices of the political class. Over the years, Parliament has severally amended the laws relating to elections but it was even worse every time providing room for two largest parties further ruthless rigging. The People of Pakistan have now ultimately tired of the constant destitution and want a change in the way they are governed. They need reforms in all the aspects of life to align them with their aspirations; they need affordable food, affordable utilities, low cost quality education, and of course affordable medical care. They need ending prevailing rampant corruption which has shaken the roots of the country.
The PPP government was the most corrupt in our history. According to independent observers about Rs.18,000 billion was looted and plundered in their tenure, and over that five year period that we celebrate so joyously as a ‘success for democracy’. Corrupt, incapable, inefficient, selfish, greedy are all the words used to describe the Pakistani civilian governments. Is it the ‘democracy’ that our Quaid-e-Azam had aspired for which puts criminals, gangsters and crooks in power and suffocates the poor common man. There is no real democracy in Pakistan. There could be hardly few in the parliament loyal only to real democracy, the constitution, and the state. Most of them are bloodsuckers. Like vampires, they suck our blood, the blood of Pakistan’s people. For decades they sucked our soul, but I think they don’t see it enough. And now from virtual blood sucking they are inclined to suck real blood, the blood of our children, our mothers and sisters, and our sons. Indeed, the so called democratic governments have not given us anything to be proud of. They have betrayed the people time after time, but again it is our duty as citizens to seek for those who will put our interest first. It is a pity that Gen. Kayani stood by and watched the country and its poor people being plundered ruthlessly. Some people say that even he had joined hands with President Zardari.
Poverty in Pakistan is constantly on the rise which is gross injustice. Injustice is people starving, injustice is people without a home, and injustice is people being poor. The people of Pakistan are in utter hopelessness and there is no ray of hope for them in the near future. Come to the sitting regime. The people have started selling their children and are committing suicides due to their inability to feed their families just two times a day. The common man has been burdened by increasing prices. The public has been pushed to corner by the electricity prices which have been increased by more than 85% in a year during current regime, the highest increase in the history of Pakistan. The prices of essential commodities like grains, rice, oil, tomato, potato and onions have increased such that are out of reach of common man, while the prices of other basic necessities of life are also constantly on the rise. The people in major areas of the country are faced with starvation. The prices of petroleum products are decreased in the international market but ironically government has been constantly increasing their prices. In short, every passing day brings with it new sufferings for the poor People of Pakistan. This corrupt government too is killing the people of Pakistan but again Gen. Raheel Sharif has become a silent spectator.
The PPP and PML-N successive governments remained oblivious & negligent having no welfare plan for a common man – unemployment is speedily rising- people are starving to death for no food – no electricity – no water – no gas – no CNG – unbridled corruption and rampant lawlessness – tussles among public institutions; it is efficiency of the parliament and the governments. The judicial system of Pakistan is so structured to ensure access to the courts and justice system for rich and powerful only instead of ensuring equal justice under law for all citizens. It is complicated; time consuming, expensive and pro-rich. Voice of the poor is never heard and it is always the privileged who wins court battles. The people have lost trust in institutions due to lack of justice; the signs can be seen everywhere.
All the political parties have betrayed the people of Pakistan. They have utterly failed even in identifying their suffering and pains. They are absolutely unaware of real problems of the people. Imran Khan’s PTI and Tahir-ul-Qadri’s PAT are the political parties who took the field really wanting change in Pakistani politics which has kindled hope among the people who are groping in the dark. Both parties believe in shattering the status quo. All the political parties in the parliament are now together against the on-going sit-in protest outside the Parliament to break the status quo. Imran Khan and Tahir-ul-Qadri moved the nation into awakening followed by action. As all of Pakistan watched and cried with them as scam after scam was revealed during the so called democratic regimes by rinsing the pockets of poor people, these men awoke Pakistan’s forgotten class and shook Pakistan’s conscience telling the common man that the power of change was the need of the hour. The youth, destitute poor and middle class have given vide acceptance to the message of change breaking status quo. Their sit-ins in front of the Parliament have jolted the major status quo parties. Although the government has disturbed the movement of the people by placing containers or hurdles yet the people of Pakistan see whole the situation as victory sign.
The Parliament should be very clear that if the army takes over the country, it would be due to PML-N’s repeated undemocratic acts coupled with extremely harsh language used by its cabinet members, repeated speeches of bogus parliamentarians against army and the people of Pakistan, and not because of peaceful sit-ins of Imran Khan and Tahir-ul-Qadri.